Saturday, May 30, 2015


I've completed my jeans jacket yay!!!! Finally! Almost thought it wouldn't be ready in time! There's only so much time an evening. And I wanted to comment on at least some pictures of Me-Made-May every day. Some are really great! So many new things on my inner list that absolutely need to be done. Probably too many.

I'm drifting off topic... back to the jacket... Can you remember what it looked like before? There weren't even any seam allowances left I could sew the lining to. I probably wanted to finish it unlined? I can't remember. I've started it when I was about eighteen and I wasn't very practised in sewing then. So I sewed in the lining icompletely by hand. I also had to draft a pattern for the lining because I didn't have the original pattern anymore nor any clue where I had gotten the pattern. Some old Burda mag for sure :)
I used two different fabrics for the lining. One stretchy cotton print for the body and a slippery viscose lining fabric for the sleeves. If you look at the sleeves very closely you can see unusual pattern drafting lines. The sleeve originally had two pattern pieces, it now has three ;) When drafting the sleeve curves at first I accidentally made two inward curves instead of one outward and one inward. So I had to make a third piece which added an outward curve or throw away the already cut out sleeves. I added the third piece. :)

I've completed the seam band and buttons only this morning. The seam band is made of jeans fabric on the inside and of golden printed leather on the outside. Without the seamband it looked simply boring. I thought a touch of another fabric and or colour would be nice.
I hope the leather will be fine. I also added a leather band at the throat to give the jacket a bit more closure against the wind and to have a second leathery accent. Hm... I'm not so sure exactly if I like it though! Maybe it looks a bit like a circus director's jacket would? If I don't get used to it I'll maybe take it off again ...

Some more pictures of my new wardrobe joker for windy spring and cold summer days. Very useful here as I've just learned again this spring!

Thank you for stopping by! And an inspirational and great final day of Me-Made-May for all of us!


  1. You've done an amazing job with your jacket Kathrin! It looks fantastic! and I really love the leather details too. It was well worth finishing off, I hope you enjoy wearing it lots and lots. I have to say, I would have done the same thing with the sleeves too, nice save!

    1. Thanks a lot! I'm very pleased you like it. I think I will wear it quite often because it's a rather practical piece and fits in well with my other things. I really hate to throw away even small scraps of fabric - the lining is actually a way of using up the last bits of other fabrics, too. :)

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  3. What a great rescue! :) I like the leather details, I think you just have to get used to it! :) Thanks for sacrificing your denim jacket sewing time to leave me friendly comments on my outfits :) I was always delighted by them :)

    1. Thanks for your comment, too! I'm trying to leave more comments when I'm reading others' blogs as it's always nice to get some feedback ;)
