Monday, July 20, 2015


Airy summer skirts really are an undisputed must-have when summer has arrived. And it really has by now ;-) So summer flats on, airy skirt and breezy top and off you go to the lake or wherever you prefer to spend your time off.
You see it was just in time I got my skirt ready. Actually I got it ready a little while ago before we went on holiday to Italy.
It is from a Burda magazine. Burda 7/2013 Mod. 111.

It's just a simple wrap skirt. It's sewed in double layers with the under layer a little longer than the upper one and the upper edge of the lining layer turned down at the waist.
The front piece of the skirt is cut about 30 cm wider to create a fold which is then tied to the side.
So it's a mock wrap skirt really.


In the above pictures the skirt has shifted to the side which you can see in the left picture. Usually the side seam should be sitting on the side - who would have thought ? ;-). I didn't notice at all when taking the pictures because I had a race to win with my camera which kept switching off at random. Finally I got so annoyed with it that I couldn't take any usable pictures at all. My grimasses got worse with each try... You wouldn't really want to see, would you?  That's why I used two different locations and most acceptable pictures were taken by my smartphone invested male counterpart.
The camera's definitely out of my good graces! It's been throwing fits more and more often recently.

The sewing instructions didn't include any fixation of the fold (and I didn't trust the skirt to stay where it's supposed to be). So I added a button on the inside of the skirt and two button holes one for each layer of the fold. Hopefully this way the fold can't escape and slip down too much.


The upper layer of the skirt I made from a cotton or comparable cutwork fabric which is quite robust and a tiny bit stiff. The under layer is an apricot viscose fabric which is very flowy and soft. I prewashed both fabrics at 40°C but after the second wash (also at 40°C) the viscose fabric shrunk a second time. Only a very small length but still, I'm glad it still visible at the bottom seam line. Phuu...
Also the viscose was a hell to cut the exact lenght at the hem. I did my best but it's still a bit wavy and tends to appear and disappear behind the top layer in some places. I'm not sure if it's just shifting to the side or really cut too short or long....  I've decided it doesn't matter too much. It's just a very casual summer skirt after all.

Other details:
sandals/ flats - Wrangler
black sandals - s.Oliver
top - Bonaparte
necklace - andradearte design, present (handcrafted in Brazil? I think)
bracelets - present, origin unknown

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


I've explored a new (to me) style of shirt. It's Burda 7866 which has very wide sleeves and a roomy upper body and a tight lower body. It's a bit similar to the Sea Change Top by Lily Sage I've seen made up beautifully a couple of times so far. Obviously I would want to have something just as loosely cut for summer, wouldn't I? Et voila just before our trip to Italy I squeezed in a little extra top-sewing time (followed by a little skirt sewing time ;-)).
Somehow I get the impression that Italy is over-croweded with sewistas this summer? So not very original of me to go, too? But as you've just read above I'm not overly original at times - sewing similar tops as everyone else, what else would I want of course!  I enjoyed Italy just the same :-)
Ich hab hier mal einen für mich völlig neuen T-shirt-Typ ausprobiert. Es ist ein Burdaschnitt (Burda 7866) mit sehr weiten Ärmeln und geräumigem oberen Teil. Der untere teil liegt ziemlich eng an. Es ähnelt ein bisschen dem Sea Change Top von Lily Sage, dass ich bisher schon in ein paar sehr schönen Varianten gesehen habe. Es ist gerade rechtzeitig vor unserem Italienurlaub fertig geworden. Da musste ich es dann natürlich auch gleich ein paar Mal anziehen.

The pattern's been sitting in my pattern box for ages. My Mom got it as a sample for class and gave it to me because she didn't have any use for it.
It went together quite easily although I mused about the instructions for the neckline quite a while. The picture in the instructions just didn't give me many clues on how to complete the banded neckline at the turning points. Finally I just did what I thought might work and it did, but I still don't get what I should have done instead.
Den Schnitt habe ich schon ewig, ich habe ihn irgenwann mal von meiner Mutter bekommen, da sie ihn nicht brauchen konnte. 
War wie man sich denken kann ganz einfach zu nähen nur mit der Beschreibung für den Halsausschnitt bin ich irgendwie nicht ganz klargekommen. Das Bild hat mir nicht so ganz verdeutlicht wie es vorgesehen war. Ich hab es dann einfach gemacht wie ich es mir vorgestellt hab und es ist auch so gut geworden.

Conclusion, I like the top, but I'm not sure if I'm totally comfortable with the tight bit at my tummy. I somehow feel that it overaccentuates my belly while the upper parts get obscured by the width?!
Maybe next time I'll try making the top shorter without the snug lower bit and maybe the sleeves a tad shorter? What do you think?
Das Shirt ist super bequem und ich mag es auch wirklich gern, allerdings weiß ich nicht genau ob es mir am Bauch nicht zu eng ist - im Vergleich zum oberen Teil. Irgenwie wird der Bauch sehr betont und alles darüber verschwindet mehr oder weniger in der Weite. Vielleicht würde ich nächstes Mal den unteren Teil weglassen und die Ärmel etwas kürzen. Oder den oberen Teil so weit nach unten verlängern, dass es für unten kein separates Schnitteil mehr braucht? Was meint Ihr?

Ahem... Unfortunatelly all pictures in side view were somehow a bit goofy so I chose one with closed eyes as the least intimidating ;-)
Ach ja... Nachdem alle Fotos von der Seite irgendwie etwas komisch geworden sind, hab ich als am wenigsten seltsames eines mit geschlossenen Augen ausgesucht ;-) Ich bin nicht im Stehen eingeschlafen sondern hab nur kurz geblinzelt :)

And a great Me-Made-Mittwoch to everyone!
Da dies mein erster Beitrag hier überhaupt ist hoffe ich, dass Ihr euch nicht zu sehr daran stoßt, dass ich überwiegend auf Englisch poste. Ich versuche zumindest an den Mittwochen an denen ich teilnehme teilweise auf Deutsch zu schreiben. Freue mich schon zu sehen was Ihr anderen alles Tolles hergestellt habt!

Liebe Grüße, ich freue mich über jede Anregung!